Speed: 6 mph
Miles: 9.5
Time: 6:30 am to 12:25 pm
Campsite location :https://www.google.com/maps/place/46%C2%B051'07.7%22N+111%C2%B054'47.9%22W/@46.85213,-111.9133,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en
It was a short paddle to Hauser Dam from Black Sands State Park. Hauser Dam portage took 1.5 hours down a dirt road and a well used path. I had to unload my kayak, carry everything up to the bank, and then down the trail to the put in using stages along the way. Empty the Nighthawk weights only 49 pounds. Carrying the kayak up the bank and over the Jersey barrier was difficult because it is awkward carrying it.
I portaged my kayak and gear separately to the put in location below Hauser Dam. As always below a dam, the water was swift, cold, and ideal for trout.
My first glimpse of the Gates of the Mountains from Holter Lake.

I have a good spot that will be sunny in the morning.The tent is holding up well with the tarp over it, but the hailstorms are pretty noisy. I had cell phone reception this afternoon and was able to talk to Ellen for a short while. I told her I lost my hat to the wind/lake, so she would need to send a new one to Fort Benton. I also thought I might run out of food and that I might need my summer bag sooner than I thought. I am sleeping well; my Nemo sleeping pad and pillow are very comfortable. The site demands a revisit in the future.
This is Miller's recommended campsite in Gates of the Mountains. It was 1.76 miles past the Gates. It was a beautiful, peaceful and serene location. The paddle from the entrance of the Gates of the Mountains to the campsite was near perfect. The mountains touch the water on both sides of the river.
Below is a link to a professionally made video by Skyworks flying over the Gates of the Mountains.
Beautiful !! Quite the adventure.