Speed: 4-5 mph
Miles: 29
Time: 12:45 pm to 4:45 pm
Campsite location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B035'01.0%22N+108%C2%B012'35.2%22W/@47.58361,-108.20978,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en
John picked up his package at James Kipp yesterday, and the campground host, Walter, had jugs of water for him, so I know he has food and water for Fort Peck Lake, coming up in a few days. It's the most difficult part of the journey. Ellen
His current location: http://fms.ws/HI_y0/47.58361N/108.20978W. He passed up a couple of days' campsites and is just past Hutton Bottom, well ahead of schedule. He must be banking time for Fort Peck Lake. Ellen
After I had breakfast with the crew on the pontoon boat, Monday at 9 am Walter Cooke, the campground host, arrived with supply packages from Ellen and five gallons of water from Mark Schaefer.
The crew came over to say good-bye and wish me luck. They gave me their extra water. I asked Todd to call Ellen and give her a status report. Bob gave me his cell number in case I needed help while on the lake. He thought if I climbed a hill I might get coverage and he would help me.
Sincere and wonderful people liven in Montana. I am impressed with the amount of help I have been given.
I torn down camp and switched out the dirty for the clean, sent home gear I had not used, filled my water containers and was back on the river at 1 pm. I have no idea what the notorious Fort Peck Lake has in store for me. This will be a good challenge.
After only three hours of paddling and storms near by, I decided to setup camp after finding a bank low enough to take out. In the thick mud, I moved my gear from the kayak to my tarp which was on dry and somewhat flat land. The site was similar to Cow Pie campsite near Cascade. Using sticks I stuck into the mud, I secure both the stern and the bow of the kayak. The storms rolled by throughout the afternoon and evening. I never got wet. The braiding and sand traps are ahead of me tomorrow. The epic 146 mile long Fort Peck Lake begins tomorrow. The last thing I remember hearing as I feel asleep Monday night was the usual double slaps from the beavers cruising by.
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