Speed: 3-4 mph
Miles: 15
6:45 am to 11 am
Campsite location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/47%C2%B040'50.1%22N+106%C2%B058'07.1%22W/@47.68058,-106.96864,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en
Today was the first day of paddling on Fort Peck Lake. His package arrived today from James Kipp. Lots of food returned--more food than clothes. It makes me wonder just what he is eating. He's going to be one lean dude when he gets back!
Crossing the numerous bays on the north shore and fighting the wind, John found his inspiration in Ellen's ability to run the Chuckanut 50k. "I see her every day," he says. He has my photo inside his map case. Ellen
After a great morning of paddling, at 10:00 am the wind forced me off the lake. At 7:00 pm, I gave up waiting for the SE winds to stop. I set up camp on a small sandy spit. This camp is east of navigational light "F".
Collecting rocks for holding down the tent stakes, walking the surrounding hills, snacking on treats, reading, eating lunch then dinner, dozing, and taking photos, I endured hours of non-paddle time. My arms loved the down time. The soft sand stuck to everything. It was the first time I realized I should be checking the keel for mud when I put in.
I fell asleep listening to the waves and woke up at 4:30 am hearing the same sound. By the time I was ready to paddle the wind had calmed down enough that I was able to judge the morning paddle to be safe. My goal is five bays away, Pines Recreation Area.
I waited and waited for the winds to calm down. They did
the next morning.
the next morning.
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